How you can support us:
A direct donation:
We are entirely run by volunteers and are registered as a charity. But there are still a few running costs for us to be able to keep running - and riding - within the community.
Costs that we can’t avoid are insurance and keeping the bike roadworthy - and making sure that you can find us online. But we keep them as low as we can and want this to be an eco-friendly way of keeping us all enjoying the fresh air in and around Lichfield - in style!
If you think you want to support us, please email us on
If you have enjoyed your experience with us then please consider supporting us through the Lichfield Community Lottery Fund too.
Would you like to become a volunteer too?
Get on your cycling gear…
We welcome new volunteers anytime who love getting in the open air and cycling. But if you want to help but aren’t able to get on your bike, there are lots of none cycling jobs too - so please do get in touch.